Permitting process

UKOG’s onshore oil and gas activities, whether they are exploration, appraisal, development or production are highly regulated by external government regulators in the UK.

Regulations to protect communities, health, safety and the environment
Below we have detailed the regulators that UKOG typically works with and their respective roles in terms of onshore oil and gas activities. UKOG has a policy of working with local communities where we undertake or are planning our activities. Further details of how we work with communities can be found in the Community section of our website.

Regulators and their roles
Planning, permitting and ongoing regulatory oversight

The Oil and Gas Authority
Is an executive agency of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). OGA issues licences for exploration, development and production of petroleum and is also responsible for ensuring that the UK’s oil and gas reserves are maximised, for the benefit of the country. Further information can be found here.

The Environment Agency
Ensures that any environmental risks are properly identified, assessed and managed and the site operator is complying with UK national environmental legislation. The operator may need a permit from the Environment Agency (EA) for groundwater extraction, handling of waste and naturally occurring radioactive materials, surface and groundwater discharge facilities. 
Permits are required for drilling, flow testing and production of oil and gas exploration wells. Further information can be found here.

Local Planning Authorities
Determine planning applications and imposes planning conditions.
Planning permission is required for each phase of hydrocarbon extraction, from the initial drilling of an exploration well to approvals for ongoing production and the eventual full restoration of drilling and production sites. Further information can be found here.

British Geological Survey 
This government agency provides details of minerals resource planning and other useful information about the UK’s oil and gas sector. Further information can be found here.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Ensures that the operator manages health and safety risks appropriately and complies with the relevant health and safety legislation. Further information can be found here.

The Coal Authority
Can become involved in the oil and gas planning process if these could impact on UK coal resources. Further information can be found here.

Below is the regulatory road map that UKOG follows in order to explore, appraise develop and produce from oil and gas projects in the UK.

* SEPA – Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
* NRW – Natural Resources Wales